Know Your Fruits and Veggies!
Here’s some useful (and interesting) information regarding the function of some fruits and vegetables – and nuts too!
A cup of broccoli has as much calcium as a glass of milk and almost twice as much protein as steak: 11.2g per 100 calories
Pears contain lignin, an insoluble fiber that helps to usher cholesterol out of the body
You can put cinnamon sticks in your drinks or sprinkle on food for efficient insulin release
Oats have 2x the protein of brown rice and help you maintain your energy level
Parsley reduces depression, lowers cholesterol & strengthens kidneys
2oz raw almonds = > 50% of your daily magnesium requirement for heart health
Use flax seed oil or ground flax seed daily to meet essential fat needs
Pomegranates have potassium, fiber, vitamin C and niacin
Kale has potent phytochemicals to prevent cancers and macular degeneration
Raspberries are low in calories, high in vitamin C and the seeds are high in fiber
Garlic slows cholesterol synthesis, lowers blood pressure and improves memory
Parsley sweetens the breath, is a diuretic and helps lower cholesterol
Blackberries have dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, folic acid and manganese
Celery has fiber, natural sodium and is a natural tranquilizer
Strawberries are a better source of vitamin C and ellagic acid than oranges
Blueberries prevent and actually reverse abnormal physical and mental decline
Figs have calcium, iron, magnesium, fiber, and potassium
Bananas decrease stroke risk, relieve heartburn, prevent ulcers and reverse diarrhea
Nuts lower cholesterol, have fiber, protein, magnesium, copper, folate and vitamin E